How to Prevent Diabetes Naturally?

The prevalence of diabetes in adults in our country rates at about 8.9 percent as per researches as in 2017 almost 73 million cases of diabetes are noted in the adults once been a diabetes capital of the world, India ranks amongst the country with more diabetic population next to China. The estimated population of diabetes in India is going to be 90million near soon alarmingly. An average Indian family spent its income on the expensive insulin dosages and diabetes by $40billion as in 2011. The north Indians are less victim than the southern. The children are not less affected by diabetes mellitus.

What is diabetes?

It’s a serious situation where the bloodstream shows greater deposits of glucose. There are two serious conditions in diabetes, type one and type 2. This is considered serious because the body lacks its ability to gain and utilize the energy available for a lifetime. The glucose is the only source of energy for our cells, no matter the food we take. Diabetes affects this function. Insulin resistance, pancreas issues, blood pressure etc arise. As a result, the glucose builds up in the blood, reluctant to be absorbed in the cells, causing hyperglycemia.

Also, read All You Need to Know About Diabetes

Causes of Diabetes:


The urbanizations, lifestyle changes, dietary habits, lazy life, overweight, hypertension, working late nights, sleep deprivation, sticking to the chair all day, eating more refined and processed foods, smoking and drinking, undisciplined eating habits, no exercise or strolls, family history, late marriages in women etc are the few lifestyle changes that are causing diabetes in the population. The ease and advancement in the lives of our people have made the way easier for diabetes.

Family background:

Families with overweight, adiposity, hypertension, and history of diabetes in their blood show diabetes for aged if not prevented with consciousness.

Effect to the pancreas:

Islets cells of the pancreas are allowed with the duty of insulin production. The infection or damage to any part of the pancreas, pancreatitis inhibits insulin production.

Autoimmune reactions:

Autoantibodies are responsible for the risk of diabetes type 1. These acts in self and procure the type1 that progresses to type 2

Environmental and geographic:

American Indians, Asians, Africans, and Sweden, Finland, shows a greater diabetes case, whereas the north Americans or white native speakers are less affected. The Indians are no biased by diabetes rurally or in urbanization in being affected by diabetes


The risk of diabetes increases with age. Teenagers show type1 or juvenile diabetes. Adolescents and younger adults are at risk of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes:

The diabetes that happens in pregnancy is gestational diabetes. Seen in women with age greater than 28, BMI more than 25, family history with diabetes, obesity, and adiposity. This results in babies with overweight and also the risk of juvenile diabetes.

to know more click Gestational Diabetes

High blood pressure:

Hypertension is direct with diabetes.


Polycystic ovary syndrome, irregular menstruation, hormonal imbalance, weight gain and loss in women are linked to diabetes directly.

Environmental factors: viral infection, illness draws type1 diabetes

Symptoms and early signs:

Fatigue and tiredness:

the kidneys cannot filter or uphold any of the body minerals and fluids that are drawing into them inability leads to the drainage or loss of fluids in the form of urine from the body. The excessive dehydration by peeing very often leads to the tiredness in the body. Meanwhile, the energy deprivation by the cells in the body also adds to it. So, diabetes shows a lot of tiredness, fatigue, and lethargy are very common.

Excess intake:

food and water are taken by diabetes quite often. Greater thirst and always being hungry are the typical symptoms of a diabetic. The cells that show insulin resistance, cannot absorb the available glucose, and also the excessive urination makes the body dehydrated. This turns the body into the situation of polyphagia and polydipsia. Though overweighing or obese, the diabetics always show the unquenchable hunger.

Wound healing:

the sugar deposits in the bloodstream make the healing slower, prone to infections and sometimes leads to the amputation. The skin ailments and diabetic foot grow to worsen with the delayed healing. Gangrene and necrosis are common manifestations.

Optical and cardiovascular issues:

Hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperglycemia, glaucoma, blurred vision, pancreatitis, cardiovascular issues, dental problems, periodontitis, kidney failures etc were all the complex situations caused by diabetes. In women infertility and reproductive issues are common. Males show erectile dysfunction and low sperm counts.

Skin and yeast infection:

Skin diseases, patches, shoes, itchiness are noticed in diabetes. The groin, armpits and neck areas grow darker. Yeast infections, thrush, urinary tract infections are also quite inevitable.


The neuropathy is the damaged nervous condition due to the higher sugar levels the limbs in this situation shows tingling, pricking and also numbness. This is an alarming sign of diabetic foot complications.

How to Prevent Diabetes Naturally?

Food habits:

Food habits

High carbohydrates intake and the drinks you take affects diabetes to a greater extent. The zero-calorie or low-calorie drinks, it is all done to prevent the rise in blood glucose levels. Drinking plenty of water, adding lemon, mint, berries, and vegetables, fruits in the form of juices with n low added sugars quenches the thirst. Green teas, coffees, and low-fat dairy drinks are to be needed in your drink diet. Avoid carbonated drinks, processed energy supplements. Diet coke, excessively sugar added juices and alcoholic beverages worsens the diabetic situation to an uncontrollable level. Too much alcohol affects the pancreas, causing insulin impairment. Smoking doubles the effects of diabetes.

Eat herbs and greens:

herbs and greens

Eating more vegetables including green leaves, spinach, cabbage, broccoli with polyphenols, antioxidants and vitamin C in the diet reduces the risk of diabetes. The more you splurge on greens the lesser is the risk of hyperglycemia. It also cuts to cardiovascular and liver issues. Magnesium and mineral-rich vegetable should be included.

Cutting off sugars:

Cutting off sugars

Sugar does not directly cause diabetes. Type1 as we know is an autoimmune disorder and type2 is caused by lack of insulin. But taking excessive sugar or free sugar in the diet when being a diabetic is something to be avoided. Artificial sweeteners or added sugars are used in drinks, cereals, and cookies to please your appetite. Avoiding these is advisable while you are gaining weight and fighting diabetes. Feed in the low sugar-containing fruits instead.

Processed foods:

Processed foods

Processed foods are researched to double the risks in diabetes. The pizzas, bacon, junk foods, canned and instant foods high in fats and carbs, low in fibers can cause your diabetes to grow. Red meat, dietary plans instead of legumes, fruits, nuts should be avoided. Refined and readily available to consume foods are fatal to diabetes.

Eat fiber diet:

fiber diet

Focusing on fiber controls your blood sugar. Fiber is not digested completely by our body, so this does not increase the blood glucose level. This also lessens the cholesterol and adiposity. Taking a high fiber diet manages weight, blood sugar and fills the hunger. 35grams per day fiber can be taken. Lentils, beans, legumes, peas, berries, broccoli, oats and barley, cereals should be added in the diet. This puts the blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol in control. The GIT also feels healthier. Insulin action is enhanced. Vitamin C, minerals, antioxidants are served better.

Take vitamin D:

vitamin D

Vitamin D as we know builds up the bone strength, joints, and teeth enamel. Its deficiency in the body increases the blood pressure, type2 diabetes along with osteoporosis and psoriasis etc struggles. Taking vitamin D at 140nmol/l in our diet is essential. Vitamin D has a role in improving the insulin content of the body and keeping levels on a check. Add vitamin D foods to maintain bone and blood health.



Exercise and working out a little is something that helps everybody. Particularly in diabetes with used levels of glucose streaming in the blood, the low impact and little working out can get the levels lower. Exercise lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. Stress and mood are made easier, making you feel energized. Gives better sleep and better control over the body. Cardiovascular, kidney issues can be reverted with exercising regularly. Stronger bones and muscles increase in the HDL. good cholesterol is seen often. Take a note from the doctor what type of exercise you are allotted to do.

Sedentary life:

Sedentary life

Do not stay lazy keep moving. The main chance for diabetes to take on you is your habits. When you stick to a place, not moving much often, it decreases your metabolism, adds on to your weight and cholesterol. Having a sedentary lifestyle doubles diabetic risks. Getting moving often and little stretches can help keep the sugar levels lowered easily and effectively.

Eat consciously:

Eat consciously

Your diet and nutrition play a prominent role apart from the medication and treatments in diabetes. When you eat and how much you eat besides the risk of chronic disorder. A healthy diet plan balances your blood sugar. Your disciplined diet can prevent diabetic complications. Eat a variety of foods rather than sticking to one meal. Keep an eye on the potions and times you eat. All the green leaves and starches are available from the veggies. A green bowl benefits you more. Fruits from citrus to the berries all serve the required mineral and antioxidants reservation. Instead of refined flours, opt for the whole grain flour and bread which are rich in fiber and low in carbs. When deciding the proteins, choose lean meats, fish, and eggs. Legumes with nuts can be compensation. Do not cut off the fats completely as it deprives the body of necessary fats. Include low fats and dairy products. Of all eat fresh and healthy. Fresh seafood and veggies do great use. Avoid beverages, artificial sweeteners, backed and deep-fried foods. When you are overweight, got down with the dietician to balance the weight loss foods in the diet.

Shred weight:

Shred weigh

Cutting off your weight and cutting your risks of hyperglycemia goes together with weight loss through hard, has a greater deal of benefits. It helps cut your calories, fat and keeps you active. Blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, obesity, heart risk, and reproductive complications are brought to a halt. Weight loss cannot be drastic or overweight keep record and achieve small goals. Shedding weight can prevent the onset of diabetes in diabetes-prone families.

Medical checkups:

Medical checkups

Being a diabetic can affect you for a lifetime as it is a chronic ailment. Scheduling with the doctor is the main duty to be performed. This checks on any serious complications, traces of infections and alarming levels of glucose. Though it stresses you out, being in touch with your doctor can host up until your game against diabetes even more effectively.

Monitoring blood sugar levels:

diabetes blood sugar

Be checking on your insulin pumps, dosages, blood sugar levels at home. This helps you track the health and control your lifestyle.

Diabetes though can’t be stopped completely, it can be prevented beforehand and can be put in control if already infected can fighting back with a healthy lifestyle can revert the situation to a greater extent. A long list of complicated ailments is put to the shelf with these few changes in your life.

Also, read Diabetic Diet


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